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From DemocracyCraft Wiki


Served as the second and eighth President of Redmont. He was the first elected President of Redmont, being elected in October 2020 and serving until February 2021. His second term began in February 2022 and ended June 2022.

First Term


Westray was elected as Redmont’s second President in an uncontested election on October 14, 2020. This election is one of only two confirmation Presidential elections, with the other being the June 2022 Presidential Election. Westray won with 53 ‘Yes’ votes and 7 ‘No’ votes. His running mate was Doxxx_. They ran as Independents.


Westray’s Vice President, Doxxx_, did not serve the full term as Vice President. On February 7, 2021, byeSprite became Vice President due to Doxxx_’s resignation. The following is a list of Cabinet members, their position, and the duration of their terms:

Name Position Duration
Block86 Secretary of Construction & Transport 14 Oct. 2020 - 15 Feb. 2021
Technofied Secretary of Education & Commerce (Treasurer) 14 Oct. 2020 - 04 Dec. 2020
Zab Secretary of Education & Commerce (Treasurer) 04 Dec. 2020 - 15 Feb. 2021
Rainalyn_Rose Secretary of Environment & Recreation 14 Oct. 2020 - 28 Dec. 2020
Vanquish_ap Secretary of Environment & Recreation 02 Jan. 2021 - 15 Feb. 2021
Doxxx_ Secretary of Health 14 Oct. 2020 - 15 Feb. 2021
Toxikkun Secretary of Justice 18 Oct. 2020 - 15 Feb. 2021
Muffins29 Secretary of Public Affairs 14 Oct. 2020 - 15 Feb. 2021
Nacholebraa Secretary of State 14 Oct. 2020 - 6 Nov. 2020
Austin27 Secretary of State 20 Nov. 2020 - 15 Feb. 2021
Matt_S0 Attorney General 8 Nov. 2020 - 21 Jan. 2021
byeSprite Attorney General 01 Feb. 2021 - 07 Feb. 2021
MilkCrack Attorney General 07 Feb. 2021 - 15 Feb. 2021

Additionally, the position of Press Advisor was created. MilkCrack served as the first Press Advisor starting on 15 Jan. 2021. LilDigiVert was appointed to the position of Press Advisor on 07 Feb. 2021 when MilkCrack was confirmed as Attorney General.

Executive Orders

Westray posted a total of three Executive Orders during his first term. These were as follows:
Executive Order 01/21 - Establish a Press Advisor
Executive Order 02/21 - Presidential Commendations
Executive Order 03/21 - Town Tier Revisions

Second Term


Westray was elected as Redmont’s eighth President in the February 2022 Presidential Election. along with his running mate, Muffins29. He contested the Presidency against Bestray_ (LavenderxBlaxii) and her running mate, Cupcakes29 (Thedeadwax). Westray won the election with 95 votes out of the 121 total votes. He ran as an Independent.


Muffins29 served as Acting President from 19 May 2022 to 24 May 2022. The following is a list of Cabinet members, their position, and the duration of their terms:

Name Position Duration
hm_shi Secretary of Construction & Transport 15 Feb. 2022 - 20 March 2022
Thedeadwax Secretary of Construction & Transport 20 March 2022 - 15 June 2022
xerxesmc Secretary of Education & Commerce 15 Feb. 2022 - 20 March 2022
Trentrick_Lamar Secretary of Education & Commerce 22 March 2022 - 15 June 2022
Teuntje1234567 Secretary of Environment & Recreation 15 Feb. 2022 - 15 June 2022
VerySmolBirb Secretary of Health 15 Feb. 2022 - 15 June 2022
LilNickiVert Secretary of Justice 15 Feb. 2022 - 5 March 2022
ElainaThomas29 Secretary of Justice 5 March 2022 - 15 June 2022
Twixted Secretary of Public Affairs 15 Feb. 2022 - 04 May 2022
Muffins29 Secretary of Public Affairs 04 May 2022 - 15 June 2022
Austin27 Secretary of State 15 Feb. 2022 - 31 March 2022
Muffins29 Secretary of State 06 April 2022 - 04 May 2022
Twixted Secretary of State 04 May 2022 - 15 June 2022
Drew_Hall Attorney General 11 March 2022 - 15 June 2022


Nacholebraa served as Ambassador to Stratham starting on 16 Feb. 2022 and Drew_Hall served as Ambassador to Harlon starting on that same day. LavenderxBlaxii served as Ambassador to United Land starting on 23 Feb. 2022. The Ambassador positions were switched up on 17 March 2022. Nacholebraa became Ambassador to Stratham & Vindex and LavenderxBlaxii became Ambassador to United Land & Harlon. This change was made due to Drew_Hall’s nomination to Attorney General and a lack of interest in the Ambassador position.

Ambassador positions again changed on 04 May 2022 when Nacholebraa was appointed to the courts. LavenderxBlaxii became Ambassador to United Land, Harlon & Vindex and LobsterRoast was appointed Ambassador to Stratham.

Office of the President

Milqy was appointed Chief of Staff on 21 March 2022. Additionally, tair0 served as Press Advisor starting on 24 March 2022 and Overlordofpeonys served as a Special Advisor starting that same date.

Executive Orders

Westray posted a total of five Executive Orders during his second term. These were as follows:
Executive Order 08/22 - Prisoner Education Second Chances
Executive Order 09/22 - Town Economic Measures
Executive Order 10/22 - Town Height Extension
Executive Order 11/22 - Creation of Woptopia
Executive Order 12/22 - Pardon Me Sailor