Aventura, officially the Town of Aventura, is a coastal town in northern Redmont. It and Oakridge are the two towns of Redmont, in addition to the capital city Reveille, which is not a town. Aventura is known for its Mediterranean theme, with a bright colour scheme, sandstone buildings, and coastal shores. Economy-wise, Aventura is known as "the fishing town", whereas Oakridge is known as the lumber town, and Willow and Klondike were known as the farming and mining towns, respectively.
Aventura was founded in 2021 by LilDigiVert. Its governent employs a mayor-council structure, with a mayor at the top and a multi-member council below. As of March 2025, there have been six mayors of Aventura, with former Mayor CopTop_YT acting in Mayor RylandW's place.
Aventura was founded by LilDigiVert in 2021. LilDigiVert served as its mayor until his resignation in October 2023, at which point an election was declared for the position and TabbQ of the Galactic Empire of Redmont was elected.

Culture and economy
Aventura is a hub for tourism, with hotels and event venues throughout the town. Its shores are lined with yachts, and Aventura is home to several private islands. It also has a large art sector.