First presidential administration of Redmont (2020) |
Term length
8 March 2020 - 15 October 2020 (221 days)
Career prior to office - Peasant Pioneer
Position | Player | Date appointed |
Vice president | Jaynormous | 12 April 2020 |
Temujim | 9 June 2020 | |
15 June 2020 | ||
Technofied | 26 August 2020 | |
Secretary of state | Nacholebraa | 17 September 2020 |
Secretary of justice | Moneysignzulf | 12 April 2020 |
SacredSpice | May 2020 | |
SimplySammy | August 2020 | |
The_MarxSisters | September 2020 | |
Secretary of education and commerce | Mehlife | 12 April 2020 |
Technofied | May 2020 | |
ElementPenguin | August 2020 | |
Technofied | September 2020 | |
Secretary of public affairs | GettNate | 12 April 2020 |
SacredSpice | April 2020 | |
MistyRoses | May 2020 | |
TBIWOG | July 2020 | |
SimplyMadi | ||
Thire_ | September 2020 | |
Secretary of construction and transportation | xEndeavour | 12 April 2020 |
Block86 | May 2020 | |
Secretary of health | Squatters | 12 April 2020 |
Temujim | April 2020 | |
SimCube | August 2020 | |
Doxxx_ | September 2020 | |
Secretary of parks and wildlife | Velvetkitty | 12 April 2020 |
SimCube | June 2020 | |
Rainalyn_Rose | August 2020 | |
Attorney general | Westray | July 2020 |
Thire_ | August 2020 | |
UtahCowboy20 | Septenber 2020 |
Major policy objectives
Establish a stable government
This was a great challenge during my administration. The Cabinet was extremely fluid and therefore it became normalised for Secretaries to rotate out after 1-2 months. There were large workloads in getting departments up and running and many secretaries had little appetite to put in the work required. Establishing a stable government was one of my key policy objectives. This was a crucial step in contributing to the success of the legislative and later the elected Presidency.
Practical laws
I was a significant proponent of practical and simple laws. This meant finding a balance between my own wishes and respecting the will of the legislature. I had to give the new assembly some wins, but I also needed to set a precedence and shape the law making toward beneficial, server-focused laws that are applicable to the everyday player.
Significant achievements
Congressional elections
The introduction of the legislature was a significant moment in our political story. A chamber that represented the will of the people. A place where the players could truly make and amend the rules and laws that govern them.
Presidential elections
An unexpected and initially unwanted success of my administration - never did I think it would last. Yet our political system has held true to this day. The constitution rewrite in September 2020 was the most significant change to our political system in the nation’s history, guided into law by 1950minecrafter and Krix, who both worked incredibly hard to get it implemented.
Foundations of government
The legacy of the End Administration continues in almost every branch of government today. The concept and structure of the government is much the same, only encountering many superficial changes since I left office.
Day 7:
Day 132:
Executive Orders
Executive Order 01/20 - Constitutional Amendments
Established a referendum process for changing the Commonwealth Constitution.
Executive Order 02/20 - Congressional Process Amendments
Established a Congressional Process whereby bills had to be posted to forums and discord, rather than google documents.
Executive Order 03/20 - Department of Parks and Recreation
A regrettable change from the Dept. Parks & Wildlife (DPAW) to Dept. Parks and Recreation (DPR) at the request of then DPAW Secretary, Rainalyn_Rose.
Executive Order 04/20 - Extension of Overcrowding Rule
The server was under-powered at the time, so an entity limit was placed on farmers through law.
Executive Order 05/20 - Termination of Theme Park Management
Terminated the management of banned player Dusty3 over the Government theme park project. Removed the Dustyland branding.
Executive Order 06/20 - Unbanned Player Balance Reimbursements
Required the DEC to return balances of unbanned players if their balance had been seized.
Executive Order 07/20 - Dissolution of Congress
Dissolved the unworkable Congress at the request of the Speaker.
Executive Order 08/20 - Creation of Towns
Established small resource focused outposts from the city, consisting of local government leadership and industry specific themes. i.e. Willow - Farming.
Executive Order 09/20 - Fast tracking evictions
To fast track evictions in order for the filming of the server trailer.
Key Legislation
The Constitutional Reforming Act - Establishment of the Senate - Establishment of the Elected Presidency - Other key Government changes.
Presidential Commendations Not Applicable - This was a suggestion I made to President Westray during their term.
Judicial Nominations - 4 MAY 20 - ElementPenguin - 9 JUN 20 - MikeZondernaam - 18 AUG 20 - Westray - 14 SEP 20 - Utahcowboy20
The moving of Krixmart 12 blocks south of its original position was a decision of great controversy. This relocation was done to realign the back of spawn to the entrance of the CBD, to make it more accessible to the public and to increase competition in the immediate vicinity of spawn. When Krix refused, President End blocked off the back entrance to spawn to stop Krix benefitting from players transiting through his store to the CBD. After public pressure to reopen the entrance, a path was built down the side of spawn to direct players to the alleyway and away from walk-through stores. When negotiations fell through, President End referred the matter to Staff for the building to be forcibly moved while Krix was locked in a cage.
Declassified information
No information was held for release.