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Replacement Policy

From DemocracyCraft Wiki

As a Staff Member you will encounter players who request items be replaced for various reasons.

  • Over the years Staff have informally enforced a trust and good faith based system, that is if a player can prove they had the item in question and no obvious reason for it to disappear they are allowed to have the item replaced by Staff.
  • This is still by in large how Staff deal with replacement queries, however there are certain scenarios where this informal policy is superceded with this formal policy, to ensure a fair and equitable outcome is found for common situations.
  • Below are some common situations and how they should be handled, if something is not listed below you are allowed to use your discretion as aforementioned.
    • You however must verify that the player had the item, and they didn't misplace it in a chest, drop it, or any other action that puts the player at fault.
  • However, with valuable resources (i.e. vehicles, netherite blocks etc) you must seek approval from another Administrator first.

Deposits made to an incorrect business/player

Sometimes players will accidentally deposit monies into businesses via /db deposit or pay a player via /pay unintentionally. These transactions are typically not refunded as they are player error, which can be resolved by contacting the owner of said business or by persuing legal remedies.

However, there are exceptions in which Staff are permitted to provide refunds.

  • A deposit is made to a business is named after a player which does not match the business owner's username.
    • i.e. Player Bob owns a business called Gary.
  • A deposit is made to a business which has a similar name to another business, and the business owner is inactive.
    • i.e. Player Bob owns a business named SlayCo, while another player owns a business named Slay.
    • A player is considered inactive when they have no playtime in the last 30 days.
      • If the player has a very minor amount of playtime (i.e. 5 minutes) you can still consider them to be inactive, it is a matter of being reasonable and fair about it.

In both these circumstances, a Staff member can use /db withdraw to withdraw from the affected business accounts and /pay the player affected. You may need to seek the help of a Senior Administrator to do this.

  • A payment is made to a player which has a similar name to another player.
    • i.e. Player Bob pays J3fferyL0ver1 and not JefferyLover1
    • The player with a similar name can be punished IF they changed their username to be similar to another player after first joining DemocracyCraft.

In this circumstance, any Staff member can /fine the player that accidentally received funds, and /unfine the affected player.


As with all items, it is the player's responsibility to ensure its safe keeping where reasonable. This applies to vehicles too, Staff will not replace vehicles that are lost/misplaced with a few exceptions:

  • The player has lost the vehicle at their world border.
    • Staff will only replace vehicles a maximum of three times in this instance. It does not matter what type of vehicle, it is a blanket three times.
    • The player should be informed to avoid the world border, it is avoidable by nature, hence why there is a limit of three replacements per player where the world border is the cause.
  • The vehicle is glitched or stuck.
    • Drills often fall into lava, the player should try and excavate the lava pool, it is an added risk of playing the game. If the vehicle cannot be found in the pool of lava, then it can be replaced.
    • A player cannot request their vehicle be replaced more than three times if they get it glitched/stuck in the same way.
      • i.e. Bob keeps crashing his plane into a building and it gets stuck. After the third time, he is denied a replacement.
  • The vehicle has seemingly despawned or vanished without an apparent cause.

The player needs to be able to prove they had the vehicle in all cases, if they are unable to, a Staff member can run /co l user:<username> include:<player_head/chest> t:<time> and hover over the Chest/Player Head in logs to see if they can find the lore of the vehicle in question.

  • If it is a custom vehicle, a Senior Administrator can run /iv get <vehicle>-spawner to grab a replacement.
  • If it is a head-textured vehicle (i.e. drill or tractor), a Senior Administrator can run /get<drill/tractor> <vehicle>
    • For Drills: D1, D2, D3 (Gold).
    • For Tractors: RED, YELLOW, GREEN.

Vehicles are high value items, care should be taken to ensure no foul play in replacement claims occur. When in doubt, consult with your peers, it never hurts to be sure!