As an Epidemiologist, you will study the ways that diseases and viruses spread within a population, what causes this spread, and how to stop or control it.
One of your duties is to create monthly National Health Surveys (NHS). The Medical Council will assist the Epidemiology Team with creating questions for the questionnaire. You may also be tasked with some small administrative department work. You will also work in the lab.
What is the lab?
The lab is an area on the DoH discord where you and your fellow Epidemiologists will be responsible for creating diseases and creating cures to go along with them. The lab will also be a physical place in the future, where Epidemiology events will hold place at the behest of the Health Secretary.
Whats the pay?
The Epidemiologists will receive a $35 paycheck every 15 minutes they spend in-game. You will also be paid for running the NHS, and for developing new cures and diseases.
Application Process
To apply for the Epidemiologist role, follow these steps:
- Go to the Forums.
- Navigate to the Department of Health and find the Applications section.
- Click on 'Applications' and select 'Apply'.
- Complete the application form with the required details and submit.