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As a Doctor, your primary role is to provide medical assistance to patients at the hospital. Your duty revolves around attending to patients’ medical needs inside the hospital premises. Doctors are considered level 4 employees in the government’s pay system and earn $35 every 15 minutes.

Trainee Doctors must complete the Self-Training Guide on forums before they can attend patients.

Self-Training Guide:

They need to successfully pass an evaluation before they are promoted to full Doctors.

Join the Department of Health Discord Server for more information.


  • /doh: Sets your channel to a private one for Department of Health employees.

  • /doctor-attend <username>: Teleports you to the patient's hospital or clinic, alerting other doctors that you’re attending to a patient. Use this command only when a patient requires assistance. Abuse of this command leads to departmental termination.

  • /health list diseases: Shows a list of diseases with their details and cure names.
  • /health list symptoms: Displays symptoms.
  • /health symptoms: Shows the symptoms you are experiencing.

  • /health temperature: Displays your temperature.

Recipe Examples

  • Cholera cure: 1 ice, 1 glass bottle, 1 glow berry, milk bucket
  • Bandage: 8 paper surrounding 1 white wool
  • Hypothermia cure: 1 magma cream, 1 paper

Procedures & Protocol

When a player requests medical assistance by hitting the monitor at the hospital, you will:

Type in /doh that you will attend to the patient. You can do this by saying “Me” or “I got it," etc.

Type /doctor-attend <patient’s username> to attend to the patient.

Greet the patient and ask them how you can be of assistance.

If they don’t know their symptoms, ask them to do /health symptoms.

You will need to diagnose the patient. Asking them to do /health temperature might be useful in diagnosing the disease. Once they tell you what symptoms they’re experiencing, you will need to do /health list diseases, and check which disease correlates with these exact symptoms. You may also use list of all diseases and symptoms in part six of this guide.

Lead them to an empty examination room, and tell them to wait there.

Craft the appropriate cure using materials from the doctor storage room (floor 2 behind the patient rooms). Tell them the correct price, and ask them if they would like to pay with Medicare (if it’s available for this specific disease).

Once the patient pays, you can cure them. DO NOT DROP THE PATIENT THE CURE. Right click the patient to cure them. You can cure yourself by clicking left-click.

Wish them a good day, and tell them they're good to go!

RECYCLE bottles and DISPOSE of any extra materials in the disposal sign in the doctor storage room.

As a Doctor, you can treat yourself! However you must walk to the hospital and use materials in the supply room. You may also request assistance like a patient. Never /doctor-attend yourself.

Temperature and Prices

A normal body temperature is 37. Anything below 33 is cold, and anything above 45 is hot.

If patient is hot: Tell patient to remove armor (if any), and lead them to the fire/water therapy room. Tell them to spend some time in the water.

If patient is cold: Tell patient to put on armor (if they have any), and lead them to the fire/water therapy room. Tell them to stand near the fireplace, until they warm up.

Prices are listed near the front desk and in the Doctor's storage room. A doctor must ALWAYS charge a patient the exact amount. Giving away free treatments or charging random amounts is punishable.

The hospital does offer milk buckets to help with drunkenness for $10 (payment to the Doctor), or $20 at the milk vending machine.


  • Only treat patients who have requested assistance using the sign.
  • Use materials from the hospital supply room to craft cures.
  • Always charge the exact amount specified. Giving free treatments or random charges is against the rules.
  • Never refuse to treat a patient unless they are harassing or noncompliant.
  • Do not provide free treatments.
  • Do not harm or abuse patients, such as giving the wrong cure intentionally.
  • Avoid treating patients outside the hospital with doctor-only cures or cures crafted with hospital supplies.
  • Ensure you do not keep leftover materials; recycle and dispose of them at the designated disposal sign.
  • Do not sell doctor-only cures outside the hospital. (Pharmaceutical goods are an exception)
  • Only Medical Specialists can create and use vaccines.

If you need to report a Doctor violating these rules or have complaints, report them to a Medical Specialist (MS) or Health Secretary. These rules are enforceable.


For detailed information on how Medicare works, read this guide.

Medicare is government health insurance that enables patients to pay doctors for certain cures at the hospital.

All treatments are covered by Medicare!