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Congress 2021

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2021 Law Review

Correct as at 24 Feb 24

Authored by: kaidecro

Total Bills Introduced: 447 Passed: 3 Rejected: 224 Vetoed: 79 Rescinded: 78 Repealed: 63


Total Bills Introduced: 45 Passed: 0 Rejected: 23 Vetoed: 11 Rescinded: 7 Repealed: 4

Neglect Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Anti-Neglect

Drug Legalisation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Legalize Drugs

Criminal Jurisdiction Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Expand the Jurisdiction of the Court within DemocracyCraft

Congressional Wage Reform Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Ensure Fair Conduct Regarding Congressional Compensation

Second System of Proportional Representation Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Simplify Proportional Representation​

New Player Demilitarization Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Reduce Crime

Bicameral Repair Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Repair Old Unicameral Bills

Court Reform Constitutional Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Clearly Establish the Courts System

Dissolution of Congress Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Proportional Representation through the Single Transferable Vote


  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Wild Regions

Congressional Amendment Act January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Congressional Process

DemocracyCraft Constitution Amendment Act (IV) January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Create an Official Register of Co-Operatives

Congressmen’s Wage Decrease Act 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Citizen Rights

Town Freedom Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Towny Autonomy

House of Representatives: Standing Orders

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Office of the Speaker
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Standing Orders for the 5th House of Representatives

Regulation Enforcement Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Prevent Evasion of Building Regulations

Tour Pension Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Encourage Incentives to Give Tours

Company Region Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose:


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Add Company Grants For Wild Region

Election Transparency Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Transparency in Elections

The pugbandit People’s Choice Constitution Amendment Act (VI) January 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend Changes to the Constitution

Senatorial Bill Origin Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Universal Basic Income Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide the Citizens with a Universal Basic Income


  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Outdated Laws

Second WAP Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Wild Regions

Incomplete Building Clarification Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Building Regulations

Meat and Agriculture Exclusivity Reform Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Ensure the Health of the Agricultural and Stockman Industries


  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Congressmen’s Wage Decrease Act January (II) 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Lower the Congressmen’s Wage

Co-Operatives Act January (II) 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Create an Official Register of Co-Operatives

Plots Limit Act January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Regulate Plots

Free Transportation Act January 2021

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Make Transportation Free

Plots Prices Act January 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Modify Plots Prices Criteria

Small Businesses in Markets Act January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a Small Businesses Area in Markets

Congressional Process Amendment Act January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitutional Process

Second Vice President Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Realistic Thresholds Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Order of Suspension Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • **Publisher
    • 218218Consumer - Bill introduction date: Jan 30, 2021 - Purpose: Facilitate Firing of Ineffective Employees


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Create Stock Exchange Regulations


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Private Banks and their Clients

Resolution for Public Health and Safety

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of Health to Lower Vaccine Costs to promote the Health of the Public

Resolution for the Creation of a Local Government for the City of Hamilton

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of State to create a system of local government for our capital city, Hamilton

Bankruptcy Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a Process for Bankruptcy

Basic Income Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Universal Basic Income Act to not waste Government funds; or, provide provisions for a Basic Income for the Citizens of Redmont


Total Bills Introduced: 96 Passed: 1 Rejected: 32 Vetoed: 10 Rescinded: 28 Repealed: 25

Resolution for the Creation of Public Governmental Events

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of Public Affairs to hold public events pertaining to governmental affairs

State of the Commonwealth Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Resolution for a Green New Deal

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of Environment and Recreation to recognise the current Green New Deal Policy and promote nature on city plots.

Bringing of Actions Limitation (BAL) Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Limit the Bringing of Actions

Constitution Day Resolution

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Declare a Federal Holiday and direct the Department of Public Affairs to coordinate festivities.


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Designate Individuals General Income

LDV Minimum Amenities Adjustment Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Mandating Amenity Requirements and Increasing Oversight

LDV Dwelling Items Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Total Outlaw of Additional Dwelling-items​

LDV Fraud Adjustment Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Prison Enforcement Associated with Corporate Hooliganism​


  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Bestow Obligatory Woes on Serious Evading Residents​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Ban Outside Objects (in medicine)​


  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Disease!? Oh No! Kill the Evil. You Knowingly Obfuscated Necessary Gestures​

Incremental Resistance Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Strengthen Punishments for Resisting Arrest​

LDV Assault Fine Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Weaving Assault Regulations Into Operation​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: You Only Sell Honorable Items

Wild Murder Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Ban Murder in Regioned Areas​

LDV Pet Murder Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Dreaming If my Dog Died. You Killed? Oh. No Glock!​

Campaign Espionage Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 5, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Campaign Espionage Laws​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Combat inflation by imposing a burn tax on chestshops

Budget Transparency Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Ensure the Transparency of the Budget​

Vice Praeses Secundi Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Prime Day Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Holidays for Government Employees


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Remove Reckless Driving law.

Westray Worship Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a national holiday to commend Westray for being funny.

Tougher Neglect Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Make Neglect a crime punishable by law

Remove Minimum Wage Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Remove minimum wage

The ESOC Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Standing Orders for the 5th House of Representatives

The pugbandit People’s Choice Constitution Amendment Act February 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​


  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Repeal the Pugbandit People’s Choice Constitution Amendment Act January 2021

Partial Direct Democracy Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Finance Expenditures from Evaders of Tax, Prioritizing Internal Cash​


  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Severely Limit Interactions of Murder and Execution​


  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Severely Limit Actions of Toxic Trespassing


  • Status: Passed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Individuals Pertaining to Improper Parking & Understanding Property Usage

Ex Post Facto Amendment

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Shelter Animal Murder Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect shelter animals

The REPS Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Drug Trafficking and Possession Legalization Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Decriminalize Drug Possession​

People’s Choice Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Do Good Things​

Office of the President

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Create the Office of the President

The pugbandit Holiday Bill

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Add Holidays to Redmont

pugbandit Doomsday Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Prevent the Apocalypse​

The MOB Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the overcrowding law.

Criminal Antitrust Anti-retaliation Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide anti-retaliation protections for antitrust whistleblowers.

Murder Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect citizens of Redmont

Faking Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Not waste time of doctors


  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Not waste time of doctors

Cheating Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Make citizens of Redmont do work

Contempt of Court Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect citizens of Redmont

Violent Disorder Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Keep citizens safe


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Keep the roads safe

2021 Ice Omnibus Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Criminalize assault, verbal threats, attempted murder, trespassing, and for other purposes.

Second System of Proportional Representation Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Simply Proportional Representation

Introducing the Creation of Exchanges Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Create Stock Exchange Regulations

Business Grants Appropriations Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide Funding for Business Grants

Constitutional Amendment (II) February 2021 (Proper Representation Amendment)

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution to ensure citizens of The Commonwealth of Redmont are provided proper representation in court.​

Constitutional Amendment (III) February 2021 (Voting Age Act February 2021)

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a Voting Age​

Casino Regulations Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Create regulations on casinos operating in Redmont

Motion of Commendation Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Show Members of Community Appreciation

Congressional Process Amendment Act (February 2021)

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the congressional process

Reformed Defense of Villagers Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Defense of Villagers​

The Lock Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend Locking Items Law.

Justice Documentation Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Criminal Records​

Emergency Services Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Codify the Responsibilities of Emergency Services​

Employee Protection Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect employee privacy, job security, confidentiality, and legal liability.

Anti Competitive Legislation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: To amend the law relating to nominating legislative nominations.

People’s Choice Constitution Amendment Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: To amend the law relating to nominating legislative nominations.

Legislature Bonus Exclusion Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: To establish law relating to legislative bonuses.

Second ROAD Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Remove Reckless Driving law.

Constitutional Change Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Criminal Court Sentencing Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide Criminal Discretion Sentencing to the Courts​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Old Bill Names

Overdue Reform of Executive Orders (OREO) Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend The Constitution

Nexus Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Regulate the proportion of House and Senate seats in relation to each other.

2021 Revised Ice Omnibus Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Criminalize assault and trespassing.


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Burn tax on chestshops.

Amendment Application Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Effectively Apply Amendments​

Abolition Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Explicitly abolish slavery and indentured servitude

Resistance Modification Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Outpacing
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Set Punishments for Resisting Arrest to Reasonable Rates​

Contagious Clarification Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Contagious Disease Legislation​

Resisting Arrest Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Resisting Arrest.

President of the Senate Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Transfer Presiding Power of the Senate

Bank Robbery Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Specify a punishment for stealing from a Bank

Accomplice Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Specify a punishment for accomplices and accessories to crime.

Corporate WAP Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Wild Regions

Armorer Licenses Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Outpacing
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Improve Our Server​

Government Official Buildings Protection Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Outpacing
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Avoid the use of official buildings for campaigns.

Pocket Veto Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution.

Property Definitions Foundation Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Codify Property Definitions.

Fair Campaigning Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Codify Fair Campaigning.

Government Disruption Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Limit Domestic Terrorism.

Second Urban Renewal One-Off Appropriations Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide Funding for Urban Renewal.

Appropriations Amendment

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Set Government Appropriations for the month of March and other reasons.

Affordable Employment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Unitymaster
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Elevate employers of Redmont.

Protection of the People Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect citizens of Redmont.


Total Bills Introduced: 57 Passed: 0 Rejected: 31 Vetoed: 6 Rescinded: 14 Repealed: 6

Veto & Approval Clarification Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 4, 2021
  • Purpose: Set a Clear Standard for Veto Override on Constitutional Amendments

Cabinet Approval Repair Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: didna
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Cabinet Approval Act

Delinquent Debt Processing Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: SimplyMadi
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Stimulate the Economy

Sergeant-at-Arms Creation Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: MrPenderweed
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a Sergeant at Arms

Anti-Terrorism Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Criminalize Terrorism

Drug Laws Reform Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Drug Laws

Organized Crime Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Criminalize Organized Crime

Anti-Competitive Legislation Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Congressional Process

Delinquent Debt Processing Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: SimplyMadi
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Stimulate the Economy

Constitutional Change Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Employee Protection Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect employee privacy, job security, confidentiality, and legal liability.

Bonus Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Promote fairness in Government remuneration and clarify the intent of bonuses.

New Player Demilitarization Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Reduce Crime

The RESIST Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Lord_Donuticus
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Deputy Secretary Amendment

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Assault and Attempted Murder Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Law Amendment


  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose:

Constitutional Amendment (III) March 2021 (Voting Age Act March 2021)

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect the Government’s secret informations

DemocracyCraft Constitution Amendment Act (IV) March 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Citizen Rights​

Constitutional Amendment (V) March 2021 (Proper Representation Amendment)

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution to ensure citizens of The Commonwealth of Redmont are provided proper representation in court.​

Small Businesses in Markets Act March 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a small businesses area in markets

Plots Limit Act March 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Regulate Plots

Congressmen’s Wage Decrease Act March 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Lower the Congressmen’s Wage

Wages Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify the law in relation to Government Wages.

Legislative Expenditures Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Codify Motions for Legislative Expenditures​

Realtor Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Codify Realtor Benefits​

Automatic No Consent to Murder Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Lord_Donuticus
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the Murder Consent System​

Repeal of Unfair Business Regulations Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Lord_Donuticus
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Repeal Unfair Business Regulations​

Nacho’s Public Intoxication Act March 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Regulate the Global Chat

Public Intoxication Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide a rule in relation to spamming behavior when under the influence.

Veto & Approval Clarification Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Set a Clear Standard for Veto Override on Constitutional Amendments

Emergency Abuse Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Decrease the amount of /911 and /emt abuses.

Repeal of the Congressional Process March Amendment Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Lord_Donuticus
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Update the Congressional Process​

Congressional Process Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Congressional Process​

Define ‘Government Change’ Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: didna
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect the well-being of the civilians of Redmont


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify the definition of a “Government Change”


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: didna
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect the well-being of the civilians of Redmont

Veto & Approval Clarification Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Set a Clear Standard for Veto Override on Constitutional Amendments

Citizen Information Privacy Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Lord_Donuticus
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Purpose of the bill​

Executive Agreed Pocket Veto Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Lord_Donuticus
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Advisory Secretary Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: SimplyMadi
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

United Government Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Expungement Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a Formal Process for the Removal of Criminal Records​

Government Official Removal Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Constitutional Quickfix Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Union Reform Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform and Protect Unions​

First Poverty Solutions Initiative Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: SimplyMadi
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Opportunities for New Players

Electoral Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the constitution and provide for elections

Universal Basic Income Trial Period Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide a Basic Income to the Workers of Redmont​

SKRT Resolution

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Make transportation more accessible.​

Gulag Reform Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Limit Prison Overcrowding

Safe Zone Reform Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Remove Safe Zone Laws​

Congressional Subpoena Power Act Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: MrPenderweed
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Congressional Subpoena Power Act

Sign Abuse Act Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: MrPenderweed
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Sign Abuse Act

Explosive Munitions and Firearms Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 30, 2021
  • Purpose: Make Explosive Weaponry Illegal

Impound Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Repair Impounds

Trudeau Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Mar 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish the Commonwealth of Canada​


Total Bills Introduced: 37 Passed: 1 Rejected: 17 Vetoed: 10 Rescinded: 5 Repealed: 4

New Driving Law Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Change and refresh the driving laws

Local Corporate Tax Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Give towns more freedom

Economy Save Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Save the economy

Disease Causation Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Make the causing of non-contagious diagnoses illegal.

FREACC Revision Amendment

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Mass Animal Murder Act (MAMA)

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Punish mass animal murder

Electoral Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the constitution and provide for elections

Drugs Reform Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 8, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Drug Possession Laws​

President of the Senate Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Transfer Presiding Power of the Senate

Corporate Crimes Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Westray
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Simplify Corporate Crimes Regulation​

Abandoned Vehicles Reform Act

  • Status: Passed
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Rewrite the Law 14.4

Bank Robbery Reform Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the law 13.14 and to rewrite its punishment.

Casino Regulations Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the Casino Regulation act to make it more clear​

Constitution Modernization Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Lord_Donuticus
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

FREACC Revision Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

The Pugbandit Anti Scam act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Investors

Drugging Criminalization Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Criminalize drugging other citizens​

Constitutional Amendment (V) April 2021 (Candidacy Fairness Act)

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Town By-law Jurisdiction Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Grant Towns Semi-autonomy when it comes to laws

Bail-Out Establishment Act April 2021 (BOE Act)

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Poemhunter
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a Bail-out system​

The MSI Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Poemhunter
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Prison Sentencing​

Drugs Reform Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Make More Drugs Legal

Death Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Define a way to remove officials for inactivity in the constitution

Judicial Standards Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide for Judicial Standards and to amend the Constitution.​

Drug Harvesting Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Make the harvesting of other citizens’ drug plants illegal.

Impersonation Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Outlaw Impersonation of a government official illegal​

Bank Robbery Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the punishment for stealing from a Bank

Car Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a temporary way to make vehicles.​

Judge Expansion Act 1

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Poemhunter
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase the Number of judges to help with the amount of cases courts are facing.

Property Management Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Limit excessive concentrated ownership of land​

Consumer Protections Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: bubbarc
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Consumers

PLOTS Resolution (prod. LilDigi)

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Trentrick_Lamar
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Plot Lottery as an Overseas Time Solution

Diplomacy Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Codify and establish fundamental diplomatic law.

Aladeen Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 30, 2021
  • Purpose: Finally bring order to this piece of unruled land

Roads Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 30, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the definition of a Road

Ghostbusters Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 30, 2021
  • Purpose: Make the trespassing on government property with invisibility effects illegal

Protection Skins Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Poemhunter
  • Bill introduction date: Apr 30, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect custom made skins of players.


Total Bills Introduced: 38 Passed: 1 Rejected: 18 Vetoed: 6 Rescinded: 10 Repealed: 3

Congressmen’s Wage Decrease Act May 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: May 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Lower the Congressmen’s Wage

Plots Limit Act May 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: May 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Regulate Plots

Co-Operatives Resolution May 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: May 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Create an Official Register of Co-Operatives

Property Fairness Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Limit excessive concentrated ownership of land

Congressional Supremacy Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: May 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Bubbarc 2021 May Court Definition Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify the supreme court, as well as put a hard limit on the amount of possible judges

Careless Driving Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the careless driving punishment

Branch Limitation Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Stop people from running for multiple branches

Biochemical Weapons Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Trentrick_Lamar
  • Bill introduction date: May 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Partially Amend the WMD Act and Define Chemical and Biological Weapons

The Re-Election Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Re-election limits

Congressional Expansion Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Electoral Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Verbal Threats Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: May 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the Verbal Threats punishment

Bank Robbery Amendment Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the punishment for stealing from a Bank

President of the Senate Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Transfer Presiding Power of the Senate

Presidential Pardon Reform Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Cheaper Land Claiming Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: May 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Lower the price of Land claiming

Congressional Code of Conduct Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: May 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a Code of Ethics for Congressmen​

Recall Removal Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 13, 2021
  • Purpose: The amend the constitution with respect to removing the right to recall

Apartment Zoning Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Trentrick_Lamar
  • Bill introduction date: May 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Apartment Zoning for a Cohesive City Development

Prison Escape Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Fiewey
  • Bill introduction date: May 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Make illegal prison escape

National Parks Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: AndreyMia
  • Bill introduction date: May 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a legal precedent for the creation of National Parks​

Property Fairness Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Limit excessive concentrated ownership of land

Resolution Draft - Civil Unrest Resolution

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Trentrick_Lamar
  • Bill introduction date: May 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Expand the Department of Justice

Electoral party swap Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Fill in a parties missing seat with the runner up

Landlord Responsibility Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Define what landlords are responsible when it comes to their Rentable regions

Tax Evasion Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a Sovereign Nation

Plot Taxation Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: May 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Change company tax evasion laws

Sovereign Nation Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: May 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Introduce taxation for industrial and commercial plots

Corruption Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend Corruption from a rule to a law.

Palpatine Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Trentrick_Lamar
  • Bill introduction date: May 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Define and make illegal the act of treason and extend punishment for capitol insurrection

Fair Rental Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Ensure fairness in renting

Assault Renewal Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Lessen the punishment for assault

Corporate Crimes Removal Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Antatro
  • Bill introduction date: May 24, 2021
  • Purpose: Rescind the Corporate Crimes Act

Fair Sales Act June 2021

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Trentrick_Lamar
  • Bill introduction date: May 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Fair Sales Regulations

House Expansion Act May 2021

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Krix
  • Bill introduction date: May 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Taxation Amendment Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Introduce taxation for Industrial, Residential, and Commercial plots and deter tax evasion.

President of the Senate Act

  • Status: Passed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: May 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Transfer Presiding Power of the Senate


Total Bills Introduced: 30 Passed: 0 Rejected: 20 Vetoed: 6 Rescinded: 2 Repealed: 2

Murder Punishment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the punishment for murder.

Proceeds of Crime Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Prohibit proceeds of crime.

Presidential Pardon Reform Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Limit the Presidential pardon power and amend the constitution.

Office of the Attorney General Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Krix
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 5, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the constitution and create Executive Offices & The Office of the Attorney General

Executive Standard Amendment Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Krix
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 5, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Executive Standards Act

Trial by Bedwars Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Recognize Trial by Bedwars

The Right to Life Constitutional Amendment Act June 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Krix
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Rescind the President of the Senate Act and amend the constitution

Legislative Standards Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Legislative Standards Act

Pet Limitation Reform Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Th0re
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the punishment of the Law 9.2 - Pet Limitation

Market Manipulation Amendment Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Trentrick_Lamar
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Partially Amend the Market Manipulation Act

Free Transportation Resolution

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Make Transportation Free

Diamond Standard Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: oviy4n
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 18, 2021
  • Purpose: define the criminal act of bribery.

“Aladeen Poggers Act”

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Poemhunter
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend The Constitution

Gambling Companies Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the Casino Regulation.

Impersonation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Outlaw Impersonation of a government official illegal

Careless Driving Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the careless driving punishment

Cabinet Term Limit Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: flightcode
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution and the Executive Standards Act.

End Xenophobic Hate Speech Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: oviy4n
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Create protected ethnic groups.

LDV Congressional Requirement Adjustment for Playtime Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: oviy4n
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Cereal Killer Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Prevent mass killings.

No Criminals in Congress Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Prevent criminals from being elected into office

Self Defense Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Define self defense and separate it from murder or other crimes

LDV LSA Modernization Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: oviy4n
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution & Legislative Standards Act

LDV PPT Removal Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: oviy4n
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

LDV Special Election Nomination Time Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: oviy4n
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution & Electoral Act

LDV Legislature’s Deadline for Vacancies Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: oviy4n
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution & Electoral Act

Ignorance of the Law Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Poemhunter
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Stop the defense of new player for ignorance of the law

Minimum Commission Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Introduce a minimum commission for suppliers.

Super Swag and Awesome Willow Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: oviy4n
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 29, 2021
  • Purpose: To Amend the Constitution

Bill Transparency Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jun 30, 2021
  • Purpose: Create more transparency in the congress.


Total Bills Introduced: 21 Passed: 0 Rejected: 14 Vetoed: 4 Rescinded: 2 Repealed: 1

DCT Eviction Regulation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Create precise regulation if the DCT unlawfully evicted a plot.

Presidential Terms Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Strengthen Presidential Term Limits and Amend the Constitution​

False Accusations Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: huney69
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect the falsely accused and prosecute the accuser.

The Grover Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Rurge
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Bring a new law to Redmont alongside new duties for Recycling Operators.

Congressional Wage Decrease Act July 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Lower the Congressional Wage

Judicial Standards Amendment Act July 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Judicial Standards

New Flag Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: JoeGamer
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the National Flag of the Commonwealth of Redmont

DCT Eviction Regulation Act (Duplicate Entry)

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Create precise regulation if the DCT unlawfully evicted a plot.

Minimum Commission Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Introduce a minimum commission for suppliers.

Congressional Transparency Report Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Create more transparency in the congress.

LDV Congressional Requirement Adjustment for Playtime Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: huney69
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Community Service Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide for a community service program

Careless Driving Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the careless driving punishment

Impersonation Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Outlaw Impersonation of a government official illegal

Trial by RPS

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Rurge
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Recognize Trial by Rock Paper Scissors

State Workers Program Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Ersy05
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Initiate the State Workers’ Program The people of Democracy Craft

Saviour Act Amendment (II) July 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Saviour Act​

Bail Initiation Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Awesam5555
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Murder Act Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Murder Act, increase jail time, and increase the fine for murder

MDMA Legalization Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Hamhamham420
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Legalize the cultivation, consumption, and sale of MDMA

Motion and Quorum Reform Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jul 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Legislative Standards Act


Total Bills Introduced: 29 Passed: 0 Rejected: 14 Vetoed: 12 Rescinded: 2 Repealed: 1

House Expansion Removal Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Remove a Conflicting Act

Building Regulation Evasion Amendment Act July 2021

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 5, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Building Regulation Evasion Punishments​

Congressional Poll Guidelines Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 5, 2021
  • Purpose: Set Official Guidelines for Bill Polls and Amend the LSA

The Zoning Law Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Tylxrfied
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 5, 2021
  • Purpose: Give the mayor of Hamilton the ability to create, edit, and remove zones within the city.

DoS Referendum Management Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution and the Executive Standards Act​

President of the Senate Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Special Election Expansion Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Awesam5555
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Expand the Duration of Special Elections

Allegiance Act Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Ease restrictions on holding foreign government positions

Market Manipulation Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 8, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Corporate Crimes Act

Solicitor General Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Office of the Attorney General Act

Committee Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: End
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Legislative Standards Act

Saviour Act Amendment August 2021

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Saviour Act​

Constitutional Amendment August 2021 (Warrant Processing Time Limit Act August 2021)

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Property Definitions Foundation Act Amendment August 2021 (Allowance of Farms in Industrial Plots Act)

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Property Definitions Foundation Act​

LDV Campaigner’s Additional Period Amendment or “LDV CAP Amendment”

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Hamhamham420
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution & Electoral Act

LDV Legislature’s Deadline for Vacancies Amendment or “LDV LDV Amendment”

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Hamhamham420
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution & Electoral Act

LDV Free Gambling Businesses Act or the “LDV FBG Act”

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Hamhamham420
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 18, 2021
  • Purpose:

LDV Congressional Wage Increase Act August 2021

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Hamhamham420
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Revive the Gambling Industry by amending the Casino Regulations Act

LDV Congressional Productivity Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Hamhamham420
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Congressional Wages

Aventura Resolution

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Hamhamham420
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Connect the towns by water

Separation of Powers Improval Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Improve the Separation of Powers.

The Business Unions Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Tylxrfied
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Officially legalize unions that do not correlate to any specific job.

Toss A Coin To Your Secretary Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Rurge
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Secretary Wages

Joe’s Legally Dead Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: AndreyMia
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Define being Dead and Revived​

Goodbye Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: AndreyMia
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a legal precedent for Wills and Testaments​

The Ripple Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Rurge
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Legalize the cultivation, consumption, and sale of Shrooms

Recognition of City-States Act August 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a process to recognise City-States​

Corporate Balance Regulation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Legislate Corporate Balance Regulations and Amend the Taxation Act​

POG Rights Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: nnmc
  • Bill introduction date: Aug 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Saviour Act


Total Bills Introduced: 22 Passed: 0 Rejected: 10 Vetoed: 4 Rescinded: 2 Repealed: 6

Amendment to the August Taxation Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Fix My Bill and Amend the August Taxation Amendment

Verbal Threats Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the Verbal Threats punishment

Anti-Graffiti Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Mitigate Annoying Uses of Glow Ink

Corruption Recategorization Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Modify Rules & Laws and Amend the Corruption Act

Town By-law Jurisdiction Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Grant Towns Semi-autonomy when it comes to laws

Mass Recategorization Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Improve Categorization of Rules & Laws

DOH Property Protection Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect the Integrity of the Department of Health

Careless Driving Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the careless driving punishment

Charity Tax Exemption Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Exempt charities and other non-profit organizations from corporate tax

Legislative Standards Amendment Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Legislative Standards Act

Basic Income Increase Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Improve Our Server

Legal Board Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Legal Board Act

Pardon Removal Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution and prevent tyranny within the nation

Freedom of Speech Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Create Freedom of Speech

Unfair Exam Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Azdrus
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Stop Citizens Cheating

Careless Driving Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Change the careless driving punishment

Market Manipulation Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Corporate Crimes Act

Monopolization Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Corporate Crimes Act

Congressional Transparency Report Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: ReinausPrinzzip
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 29, 2021
  • Purpose: create more transparency in the congress.

Rules&Laws Document Numbering Fixing Amendment Act September 2021

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Fix numbering in the Rules and Laws document​

Pet Abandon Act September 2021

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Punish the Abandon of Pets​

Department Employment Amendment Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Sep 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution


Total Bills Introduced: 12 Passed: 0 Rejected: 3 Vetoed: 5 Rescinded: 2 Repealed: 2

Vigilantism Illegalization Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Make vigilantism illegal

Judicial Procedure Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Enumerate judicial policy into law

October 2021 Legal Board Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Legal Board Act

Frivolous Applications Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Tylxrfied
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Make frivolous government applications a punishable offence.


  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: RelaxedGV
  • Rescission Date: Oct 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the constitution

The Insurance Law Foundation Act or ILF Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish the foundation of Insurance Law

RBA Disband & Replace Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Aladeen
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Disband and replace the Redmont Bar Association

Electoral Integrity Bill

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Uphold Electoral Integrity

Bankruptcy Act October 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Legislate on Bankruptcy​

Library of Congress Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: xLayzur
  • Rescission Date: Oct 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Strengthen Congressional Dedication to Redmont’s Literature, Culture, and Media

Amend the Savior Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: SumoMC
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Saviour Act

Secretarial Responsibility Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: ElainaThomas29
  • Bill introduction date: Oct 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Hold Secretaries accountable in enforcing Bills that directly impact their department


Total Bills Introduced: 24 Passed: 0 Rejected: 19 Vetoed: 1 Rescinded: 1 Repealed: 3

Gun Murder Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Azdrus
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Punishments for Gun Murder

Co-Operatives Resolution November 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Create an Official Register of Co-Operatives

Congressional Wage Decrease Act November 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Lower the Congressional Wage

Recognition of City-States Act November 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a process to recognise City-States​

Congress Attorney Act November 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Fair Replacement Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Electoral Act​

Economic Growth Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Rescission Date: Nov 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of Education & Commerce (DEC) to form new initiatives promoting economic growth

Totalitarianism Bill

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Polls Separation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: KaelynCream
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 18, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Secretarial Representation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Vanquish69
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Withhold representation of the Executive

Government Impersonation Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Repeal Date: Nov 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Make impersonations of government officials and employees illegal

Presidential Pardon Reform Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Public Option Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Enhance Public Healthcare​

RBA Reform Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 22, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform the RBA​

Crime Autonomy Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Town Autonomy​

Armed Bystander Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Allow for Citizens to Defend Fellow Citizens​

Dissolution of Congress Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

The cl0mb Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Rurge
  • Repeal date: Nov 25, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect the people’s pets

Consequence Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Baole444
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Punish those who bring terror to The Commonwealth of Redmont

President of the Senate Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

LDV Medical Objective Possession Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Repeal date: Nov 27, 2021
  • Purpose: Fix a Medical Loophole

Corporate Tax Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Reduce Tax Evasion​

Public Housing Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide for Housing Security​

Thirteen Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Nov 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​


Total Bills Introduced: 36 Passed: 0 Rejected: 23 Vetoed: 4 Rescinded: 3 Repealed: 6

Capital Gains Tax Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a Capital Gains Tax​

LDV Drug Plug Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Make Drugs More Illegal

Congressional Exchange Program

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish of Program for Congressional Exchange

Minimum Commission Reinstatement Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Restructure Minimum Pay​

Mutual Oversight Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Re-Establishment of VP Tie Breaking Powers Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Reason for the Bill​

Senate Election Repair Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a Fairer Senate Elections Process​

Mitch McConnell Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Milkcrack
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Legislative Standards Act.

Weak Commission Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Restructure Minimum Pay​

Dark Mode Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Abolish Light Mode​

Weapon of Mass Destruction Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Baole444
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Weapons of Mass Destruction Act

Legislative Standards Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Baole444
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Legislative Standards Act

Commission Expansion Act of 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: MessiFG7
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a Minimum Commission

Modern Legal Board Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Rewrite the Legal Board Act

Unnecessary Election Prevention Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: oferinbar
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 4, 2021
  • Purpose: Amendment of the Electoral Act

LDV Thoughts and Prayers Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 4, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Gun Control

APA Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: FracturedGhast7
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 4, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Appropriations Process Act

LDV Small Arms Control Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 5, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Gun Control

Pet Overcrowding Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: KaelynCream
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Add a law to prevent the overcrowding of pets.

Reasonable Notice Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Milkcrack
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 8, 2021
  • Purpose: The DCT must provide at least 72 hours notice to the property owner on the forums by filing an eviction report and via mail before evicting an individual.

Consequence Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Baole444
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 8, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend and clarify, put into law the Consequence Act

Union Reform Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: xeu100
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Modernize the Union Reform Act

Oath of Office Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: xeu100
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Mandate an oath of office.

Alcoholic Substance Abuse Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Ban Illicit Brews​

Allegiance Act Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: xLayzur
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect the state from foreign interference and amend the Constitution.

Freedom of Transportation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Defend the Boundaries Between Staff and Government​

Right of Office Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Baole444
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Prevent hoarding and unauthorized claim of office spaces

Antitrust Practice Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: MessiFG7
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 14, 2021
  • Purpose: To prevent monopolization and unfair market competitive practices.

President of the Senate Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: xLayzur
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution & Formalize the President of the Senate​

Senatorial Seniority Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Rurge
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Saviour Act

Prison Escape Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Baole444
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 20, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Prison Escape Act

Federal Reserve Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: MessiFG7
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 28, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Central Banking for Redmont

The Hugebob Amendment

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: xeu100
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Make illegal the act of bribery.

Popular Senate Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

White-Collar Crack Down Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Milkcrack
  • Bill introduction date: Dec 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Crackdown on White-Collar Crime​