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From DemocracyCraft Wiki
Revision as of 09:35, 12 August 2024 by Asexualdinosaur (talk | contribs)

As a Fisherman, your primary task is to catch fish and earn money. The amount of money you receive depends on the rarity of the fish you catch, ranging from common Raw Cod to the rarest Tropical Fish!

== What Fishermen Do ==

2021 Law Review

Correct as at 24 Feb 24

Authored by: kaidecro

Total Bills Introduced: 447 Passed: 3 Rejected: 224 Vetoed: 79 Rescinded: 78 Repealed: 63


Total Bills Introduced: 45 Passed: 0 Rejected: 23 Vetoed: 11 Rescinded: 7 Repealed: 4

Neglect Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Anti-Neglect

Drug Legalisation Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Legalize Drugs

Criminal Jurisdiction Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Expand the Jurisdiction of the Court within DemocracyCraft

Congressional Wage Reform Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Ensure Fair Conduct Regarding Congressional Compensation

Second System of Proportional Representation Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Simplify Proportional Representation​

New Player Demilitarization Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Reduce Crime

Bicameral Repair Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Repair Old Unicameral Bills

Court Reform Constitutional Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Clearly Establish the Courts System

Dissolution of Congress Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Proportional Representation through the Single Transferable Vote


  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Wild Regions

Congressional Amendment Act January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Congressional Process

DemocracyCraft Constitution Amendment Act (IV) January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Create an Official Register of Co-Operatives

Congressmen’s Wage Decrease Act 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Citizen Rights

Town Freedom Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Towny Autonomy

House of Representatives: Standing Orders

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Office of the Speaker
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 13, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Standing Orders for the 5th House of Representatives

Regulation Enforcement Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Prevent Evasion of Building Regulations

Tour Pension Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Encourage Incentives to Give Tours

Company Region Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose:


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Add Company Grants For Wild Region

Election Transparency Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Increase Transparency in Elections

The pugbandit People’s Choice Constitution Amendment Act (VI) January 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 16, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend Changes to the Constitution

Senatorial Bill Origin Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Universal Basic Income Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 17, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide the Citizens with a Universal Basic Income


  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Outdated Laws

Second WAP Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Reform Wild Regions

Incomplete Building Clarification Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Building Regulations

Meat and Agriculture Exclusivity Reform Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 19, 2021
  • Purpose: Ensure the Health of the Agricultural and Stockman Industries


  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 21, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Congressmen’s Wage Decrease Act January (II) 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Lower the Congressmen’s Wage

Co-Operatives Act January (II) 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Create an Official Register of Co-Operatives

Plots Limit Act January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Regulate Plots

Free Transportation Act January 2021

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Make Transportation Free

Plots Prices Act January 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Modify Plots Prices Criteria

Small Businesses in Markets Act January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a Small Businesses Area in Markets

Congressional Process Amendment Act January 2021

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 1950Minecrafter
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 23, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitutional Process

Second Vice President Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 26, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Realistic Thresholds Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 29, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Order of Suspension Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • **Publisher
    • 218218Consumer - Bill introduction date: Jan 30, 2021 - Purpose: Facilitate Firing of Ineffective Employees


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Create Stock Exchange Regulations


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Private Banks and their Clients

Resolution for Public Health and Safety

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of Health to Lower Vaccine Costs to promote the Health of the Public

Resolution for the Creation of a Local Government for the City of Hamilton

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of State to create a system of local government for our capital city, Hamilton

Bankruptcy Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish a Process for Bankruptcy

Basic Income Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Jan 31, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Universal Basic Income Act to not waste Government funds; or, provide provisions for a Basic Income for the Citizens of Redmont


Total Bills Introduced: 96 Passed: 1 Rejected: 32 Vetoed: 10 Rescinded: 28 Repealed: 25

Resolution for the Creation of Public Governmental Events

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of Public Affairs to hold public events pertaining to governmental affairs

State of the Commonwealth Amendment

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Resolution for a Green New Deal

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Direct the Department of Environment and Recreation to recognise the current Green New Deal Policy and promote nature on city plots.

Bringing of Actions Limitation (BAL) Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 1, 2021
  • Purpose: Limit the Bringing of Actions

Constitution Day Resolution

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Declare a Federal Holiday and direct the Department of Public Affairs to coordinate festivities.


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 2, 2021
  • Purpose: Designate Individuals General Income

LDV Minimum Amenities Adjustment Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Mandating Amenity Requirements and Increasing Oversight

LDV Dwelling Items Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Total Outlaw of Additional Dwelling-items​

LDV Fraud Adjustment Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Prison Enforcement Associated with Corporate Hooliganism​


  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Bestow Obligatory Woes on Serious Evading Residents​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Ban Outside Objects (in medicine)​


  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Disease!? Oh No! Kill the Evil. You Knowingly Obfuscated Necessary Gestures​

Incremental Resistance Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Strengthen Punishments for Resisting Arrest​

LDV Assault Fine Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Weaving Assault Regulations Into Operation​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: You Only Sell Honorable Items

Wild Murder Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Ban Murder in Regioned Areas​

LDV Pet Murder Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 3, 2021
  • Purpose: Dreaming If my Dog Died. You Killed? Oh. No Glock!​

Campaign Espionage Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 5, 2021
  • Purpose: Clarify Campaign Espionage Laws​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 6, 2021
  • Purpose: Combat inflation by imposing a burn tax on chestshops

Budget Transparency Act

  • Status: Vetoed
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Ensure the Transparency of the Budget​

Vice Praeses Secundi Amendment Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Prime Day Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 7, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Holidays for Government Employees


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Remove Reckless Driving law.

Westray Worship Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 9, 2021
  • Purpose: Create a national holiday to commend Westray for being funny.

Tougher Neglect Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Make Neglect a crime punishable by law

Remove Minimum Wage Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Remove minimum wage

The ESOC Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Establish Standing Orders for the 5th House of Representatives

The pugbandit People’s Choice Constitution Amendment Act February 2021

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​


  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Repeal the Pugbandit People’s Choice Constitution Amendment Act January 2021

Partial Direct Democracy Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 10, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Finance Expenditures from Evaders of Tax, Prioritizing Internal Cash​


  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Severely Limit Interactions of Murder and Execution​


  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Severely Limit Actions of Toxic Trespassing


  • Status: Passed
  • Publisher: LilDigiVert
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect Individuals Pertaining to Improper Parking & Understanding Property Usage

Ex Post Facto Amendment

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution

Shelter Animal Murder Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 11, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect shelter animals

The REPS Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the Constitution​

Drug Trafficking and Possession Legalization Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: 218218Consumer
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 12, 2021
  • Purpose: Decriminalize Drug Possession​

People’s Choice Amendment

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: HugeBob
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Do Good Things​

Office of the President

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Create the Office of the President

The pugbandit Holiday Bill

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Add Holidays to Redmont

pugbandit Doomsday Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 14, 2021
  • Purpose: Prevent the Apocalypse​

The MOB Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: partypig678
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Amend the overcrowding law.

Criminal Antitrust Anti-retaliation Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Provide anti-retaliation protections for antitrust whistleblowers.

Murder Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect citizens of Redmont

Faking Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Not waste time of doctors


  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Not waste time of doctors

Cheating Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Make citizens of Redmont do work

Contempt of Court Act

  • Status: Repealed
  • Publisher: pugbandit
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Protect citizens of Redmont

Violent Disorder Act

  • Status: Rescinded
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Keep citizens safe


  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Intercepticon
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Keep the roads safe

2021 Ice Omnibus Act

  • Status: Rejected
  • Publisher: Icypenguin79
  • Bill introduction date: Feb 15, 2021
  • Purpose: Criminalize assault, verbal threats, attempted murder, trespassing, and for other purposes.