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Political Parties


A political party is a group of individuals who share common political beliefs, goals, and ideologies, and work together to influence public policy and govern a society. These parties play a crucial role in representative democracies, as they provide a platform for citizens to organize themselves around specific ideas and compete for political power through elections.

Current Political Parties

Laste Updated: 4/21/24

PartyAbbreviationIdeologyFounded Date
Democractic Centrist PartyDCPCenter4 April 2024
Galactic Empire of RedmontGERLeft4 February 2024
Patrotic Goalition of RedmontPCRCenter-Left3 March 2024
Redmont Integrity CoalitionRICRight23 February 2024
Socialist Workers Party of RedmontSWPLeft1 September 2023
Vaegir FrontVFRight2 March 2024
Redmont Reform ColitionRRCRight19 October 2023
Political Party Information

Check out the Political Parties application or #Links for a link to their discord!

Former Political Parties

Laste Updated: 4/21/24

PartyAbbreviationIdeologyMerged or Deregistered
**Conservative DemocraticTCPDeregistered
Democratic Reformist PartyDRPDeregistered
Liberal Reform PartyLRPMerged with NCP
Libertarian Coalition PartyLCPDeregistered
National Alliance PartyNAPDeregistered
National Syndicalist Revolutionary PartyNSRUknown
Socialist Party of the PeopleSPPUknown
United Libertarian FrontULFUknown
Redmont Nationalist PartyRNPRight-NationalistDeregistered
Citizen's UnionCUDeregistered
Bullmoose PartyBMPUknown
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